I believe that Angels do exist.
In fact I believe they walk among us every day.
Thousands of nameless Angels, God’s silent gift to us.
I mentioned in my earlier post (Friend) that friends are Angels in disguise. What I didn’t mention was that there are so many other Angels among us, not just our friends or family but also complete strangers.
How could a complete stranger be an Angel?
To answer that I want to define what an Angel is.
‘Wikipedia’ states that “Angels are spiritual beings found in many religious traditions. They are broadly viewed as messengers of God, sent to do God's tasks.”
‘Dictionary.com’ states that Angels are “A typically benevolent celestial being that acts as an intermediary between heaven and earth.”
These definitions apply very well when concerned to religion or mythology but that’s not what I have in mind.
I don’t want to go into religion or mythology or their influences and beliefs over the centuries.
Instead, I want to write about a more simple idea that appeals to me.
I don’t believe an Angel has to be a divine, glowing entity with wings and a golden harp.
My definition of an Angel is more consistent with these definitions I found on ‘dictionary.com’.
“A guardian spirit or guiding influence”
“A kind and lovable person; one who manifests goodness, purity, and selflessness.”
According to me an Angel is anyone (stranger, friends or family) who shows love and kindness. An Angel is someone who is there when you need them and at the time feel like you've seen a small piece of God on earth.
Now back to how even a stranger can be an Angel.
A year ago when I had to travel home by bus at night I was more than nervous. I had never travelled by bus alone anywhere in the daytime, let alone at night. In fact I had never travelled alone anywhere by myself. I didn’t even know how close to home the bus would drop me. Bad decision on my part, I know. Anyway, I didn’t even know which ticket to buy and I just silently prayed to God to get me home. A lady who was sitting behind me saw the way I was nervously fumbling with the ticket I had bought and asked “Where is your stop?” I told her where it was and she told me not to worry and that she was getting off at the stop after mine. When it came time for my stop she alerted me and asked the bus driver to stop. Then she also told me which bus I should take next to get home. I reached home safely that night thanks to that stranger.
Maybe this story won’t seem as big a deal but to me in that situation she was my heaven-send. It was only due to her that I managed to calm down and reach home. At that point I could only think of her as an Angel. I was a stranger to her and yet she helped me.
Lots of things like this happen every day. The help doesn’t always have to be huge and life-changing. Just a small act of kindness goes a long way.
Kindness doesn’t only have to be to humans alone.
A friend of mine loves animals, especially dogs. In fact the reason I was able to overcome my fear of dogs a little (not completely) was because of her. I remember once when we were walking down the street, we saw a stray dog in a very pathetic and sad condition. She looked at it and she took her snack from her bag and gave it to the dog. The dog ate it gratefully and wagging its tail followed us around for sometime (much to my dismay). This was just a simple act of kindness. I never would have given a second thought to the dog but she did. And that act of kindness even to the dog made me realize how goodness can be spread in little ways.
And isn’t that what Angels do? Spread goodness and kindness?
Goodness and Kindness can be spread by thoughts too.
Before leaving to church one day I decided to ask my friends if they wanted me to pray for anything. All my friends immediately replied asking me to pray for something or the other for them (absolutely nothing wrong with that), all except for one friend. He asked me to pray for everyone’s health and happiness, not just for himself. It really touched my heart that he thought of others and wanted to pray for them. It made me realize that goodness and love can even be spread through our thoughts and prayers.
I’ve been blessed with so many Angels in my life. I don’t know what I’d do without them. I’m extremely thankful for them.
They have taught me that Angels exist everywhere. That an Angel doesn’t have to have wings but rather the goodness and love bring them their radiant glow and halo.
They have taught me that kindness, no matter how small, goes a long way.
That goodness comes from the heart and not just from the actions.
That purity of heart shows in the way you think and talk.
That love is unconditional and does not have to be reserved for some alone.
And that anyone can be Angel.

"Be an angel to someone else whenever you can, as a way of thanking God for the help your angel has given you."
Leave it to an angel to clarify and elaborate on the "Enigmatic" Angels. :) good one SilverAngel :):)