Men are from Mars. Really. Understanding them and dealing with them is a task in itself. Apparently they are simpler than women. Men complain that women are hard to satisfy and hard to understand. True we are a bit more complex. After all God did create his masterpiece (women) after completing his rough draft (men).Just Kidding! But we aren’t really that hard to satisfy if the guys just paid a little bit more attention. Anyway, back to men:
Men are practical. It’s ingrained in them, just like women are emotional. It’s a good thing, at times. Times like when you need your accounts checked or when you need to organize or manage something in the office. It is not a good thing, however, to be practical when you’re needed to be sensitive and supportive.
Example: I’m lamenting to my friend about my oh-so-sad life and he cuts me off with his hey-you’ve-got-the-wrong-idea-let-me-give-you-solutions speech. What I need right then is for someone to talk to not a solution. Guys look at everything kind of like an equation where you figure out the values of x, y and z, substitute them and you’ve solved it! That was exactly how my friend was talking to me, as if I had just handed him a math equation and he made it sound so easy. This practical nature is so great at other times when I really need those solutions but at times all a girl expects is for the guy to be quiet, listen and just be there for her.
Guys never listen. Especially if they are watching TV, playing on the computer, game cube, PS3, Wii or some other gaming console. Try telling them the sky is falling and they’d look at you, nod and go right back to what they were doing. Guys complain they don’t know what gifts to buy for girls because they are so hard to satisfy. Maybe if they listened more often they would know. Guys also never listen when we tell them where things are, which is why they end up searching the whole house looking for something which is right in front of them. They also complain that girls don’t tell them how they feel – yes we do, a 100 times and still guys don’t listen.
Example 1: My grandpa was looking for the newspaper and asked my mom where it was. My mom told him it was on the bed several times until he found it himself a half hour later. Then he tells my mom I asked you but you never told me!
Example 2: I’m telling my friend that I couldn’t make it to church that morning. He’s on the computer. After he says oh ok and keeps going ’ok’ and ‘yeah’ I ask him if he has any idea what I’m talking about and he says ‘sure, you were telling me what happened when you went to church’
Men are immature at times. If you ever notice how guys play with each other when they are alone it sometimes makes you wonder whether they are human or monkeys on vodka. Except some, not all guys are immature to that extent.
Men also never admit that they are wrong. At least not all men do, I don’t want to generalize. Hurt their pride and they will never come near you again. They like to think they are right all the time. Guys never read the instructions because they are so capable, then they mess something up. There’s always a girl around reading the instructions if you notice. They also hate asking for directions. It is perfectly clear that they are lost but, asking for directions? No way! They have a built in GPS along with a never faltering ego.Guys are frustrating and hard to please but in all fairness to guys there are some really great qualities about them.
And it’s true what they say– “You can’t live with them, can’t live without them
Men are practical. It’s ingrained in them, just like women are emotional. It’s a good thing, at times. Times like when you need your accounts checked or when you need to organize or manage something in the office. It is not a good thing, however, to be practical when you’re needed to be sensitive and supportive.
Example: I’m lamenting to my friend about my oh-so-sad life and he cuts me off with his hey-you’ve-got-the-wrong-idea-let-me-give-you-solutions speech. What I need right then is for someone to talk to not a solution. Guys look at everything kind of like an equation where you figure out the values of x, y and z, substitute them and you’ve solved it! That was exactly how my friend was talking to me, as if I had just handed him a math equation and he made it sound so easy. This practical nature is so great at other times when I really need those solutions but at times all a girl expects is for the guy to be quiet, listen and just be there for her.
Guys never listen. Especially if they are watching TV, playing on the computer, game cube, PS3, Wii or some other gaming console. Try telling them the sky is falling and they’d look at you, nod and go right back to what they were doing. Guys complain they don’t know what gifts to buy for girls because they are so hard to satisfy. Maybe if they listened more often they would know. Guys also never listen when we tell them where things are, which is why they end up searching the whole house looking for something which is right in front of them. They also complain that girls don’t tell them how they feel – yes we do, a 100 times and still guys don’t listen.
Example 1: My grandpa was looking for the newspaper and asked my mom where it was. My mom told him it was on the bed several times until he found it himself a half hour later. Then he tells my mom I asked you but you never told me!
Example 2: I’m telling my friend that I couldn’t make it to church that morning. He’s on the computer. After he says oh ok and keeps going ’ok’ and ‘yeah’ I ask him if he has any idea what I’m talking about and he says ‘sure, you were telling me what happened when you went to church’
Men are immature at times. If you ever notice how guys play with each other when they are alone it sometimes makes you wonder whether they are human or monkeys on vodka. Except some, not all guys are immature to that extent.
Men also never admit that they are wrong. At least not all men do, I don’t want to generalize. Hurt their pride and they will never come near you again. They like to think they are right all the time. Guys never read the instructions because they are so capable, then they mess something up. There’s always a girl around reading the instructions if you notice. They also hate asking for directions. It is perfectly clear that they are lost but, asking for directions? No way! They have a built in GPS along with a never faltering ego.Guys are frustrating and hard to please but in all fairness to guys there are some really great qualities about them.
And it’s true what they say– “You can’t live with them, can’t live without them
a very true passage..:) many many "important points" left out...so lets sit and work out to give the real abstract "men are easy to tackle,provided you know which coin to move when ;)"