Don’t you wish everything in life was just perfect?
Imagine this- we are all born into the perfect family (full of love, care and laughs), go through a perfect childhood, a perfect adolescence (no growing pains, no heartbreaks), the perfect job (great salary, top position, on top of the game) and the perfect happily-ever-after (loving partner, great kids, just one big happy family)…sounds good right? In fact, too good to be true!
This sounds good for a movie or a fairy tale…but here’s real life – a family where mom and dad fight, too strict, too many rules, school by the time you’re three, get those good grades(or you’re screwed),struggle with exams, why can’t you just get over that new hottie you saw, growing pains, teenage mania, a hundred failed interviews, the boss is such a monster, why can’t your spouse love you more, kids are driving you nuts, don’t start with the in-laws, bills bills bills and finally… you’re just pulling out your hair regretting something or the other in your life…
Every step of the way there are regrets…they keep building up until you finally reach a point where they boil over leaving you frustrated and upset…
Wishing for a perfect life is unrealistic…no one has a perfect life…no one…though people might show a different face in front of others everyone is going though some problem or another…
You might think your friend’s life is perfect but he/she is probably thinking the same about yours.
Life is never perfect, never fair…
Every step of the way you make choices, you choose paths, and sometimes they are the right ones that get you straight where you want to go, other times you choose a path full of diversions, no-entry’s and dead –ends leaving you feeling discouraged, hurt and unhappy…
But here’s the thing – just because you chose a path where you had to face a few obstacles or dead-ends, just because the choice you made was bad doesn’t mean that it’s the end of the world…that you are forever destined to be unhappy…
Don’t you just wish there was a rewind button and you could change your life? But there is no such option…
There are many what if’s in life…
Many uncertainties in life…
You don’t know what the future holds, what’s going to happen…
So instead of living in fear of what’s going to happen, thinking you could have done something, thinking about chances missed, if you feel you have to do something, that you want something don’t wait around and then when you’re 50 years old tell your grandchildren about how you would have done something or had a happier life if you had just done what you felt in your heart…
Live a life without regrets…
After all, life is too short to spend waiting around and regretting what you could have done…
And while you’re looking at your regrets you might miss what great things you have now…
So never hesitate…
The future will come when it comes…
Follow your heart…
And never regret any choices you make…
Have a great day :)
Imagine this- we are all born into the perfect family (full of love, care and laughs), go through a perfect childhood, a perfect adolescence (no growing pains, no heartbreaks), the perfect job (great salary, top position, on top of the game) and the perfect happily-ever-after (loving partner, great kids, just one big happy family)…sounds good right? In fact, too good to be true!
This sounds good for a movie or a fairy tale…but here’s real life – a family where mom and dad fight, too strict, too many rules, school by the time you’re three, get those good grades(or you’re screwed),struggle with exams, why can’t you just get over that new hottie you saw, growing pains, teenage mania, a hundred failed interviews, the boss is such a monster, why can’t your spouse love you more, kids are driving you nuts, don’t start with the in-laws, bills bills bills and finally… you’re just pulling out your hair regretting something or the other in your life…
Every step of the way there are regrets…they keep building up until you finally reach a point where they boil over leaving you frustrated and upset…
Wishing for a perfect life is unrealistic…no one has a perfect life…no one…though people might show a different face in front of others everyone is going though some problem or another…
You might think your friend’s life is perfect but he/she is probably thinking the same about yours.
Life is never perfect, never fair…
Every step of the way you make choices, you choose paths, and sometimes they are the right ones that get you straight where you want to go, other times you choose a path full of diversions, no-entry’s and dead –ends leaving you feeling discouraged, hurt and unhappy…
But here’s the thing – just because you chose a path where you had to face a few obstacles or dead-ends, just because the choice you made was bad doesn’t mean that it’s the end of the world…that you are forever destined to be unhappy…
Don’t you just wish there was a rewind button and you could change your life? But there is no such option…
There are many what if’s in life…
Many uncertainties in life…
You don’t know what the future holds, what’s going to happen…
So instead of living in fear of what’s going to happen, thinking you could have done something, thinking about chances missed, if you feel you have to do something, that you want something don’t wait around and then when you’re 50 years old tell your grandchildren about how you would have done something or had a happier life if you had just done what you felt in your heart…
Live a life without regrets…
After all, life is too short to spend waiting around and regretting what you could have done…
And while you’re looking at your regrets you might miss what great things you have now…
So never hesitate…
The future will come when it comes…
Follow your heart…
And never regret any choices you make…
Have a great day :)